Announcement by Ps Ray McCauley to Rhema Church on Sunday 27 March 2022
Our God is a generational God and His heart is for the gospel to be preached from generation to generation. As you are all aware, over the past year and a half Joshua has been serving me here at Rhema. After much prayer regarding the future at Rhema Church, I believe God’s timing for succession is here. Today I’m so blessed to announce that I – along with Zelda and the Executive Board, believe the time has come for me to transition to Joshua and Tara as the incoming Senior Pastors of Rhema Church.
As the Founding Pastor, I will still be preaching regularly and will continue to work closely with Joshua and Tara, helping to guide them into the future. We will be having an official Sunday Service to anoint and appoint them during the month of May. Joshua and Tara will remain as the Senior Pastors of Redemption Church as well. Zelda and I are so blessed to be able to enter into a new season together with Joshua and Tara as we transition from one generation to another.
I believe God has ordained this moment and has raised the next generation to take Rhema Church into the future. In this transition, we commit to honor the past, by giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done in the past 40 years, and pledge our loyalty to the future believing that the best is yet to come – in Jesus’ Name.
I am joining everyone at Rhema Church in this transition by giving my full support to Joshua and Tara as we go from strength to strength. I thank you for being such a faithful congregation and I am so blessed by you supporting the vision.
May God’s grace and favour be poured out as we move together from generation to generation, for His glory!
Pastor Ray McCauley
Founder and Senior Pastor